I was on a hike in Red Rocks, NV with some friends. I was sitting on top of a rock sketching. looking down at the ground in front of me I was conches of the fact that the ground in reality was far away. But my perspective on top of the rock lacked the visual depth of the reality of the situation. It appeared from my perspective I could walk from that rock to the ground and not fall. I was observing reality in 2 dimensions yet I have knowledge of the third dimension depth. This got me curious how I might depict different dimensions of reality. How might I create different perspectives on reality. I had been tinkering with neon paints before not sure how exactly to weave in such vibrant colors in to my work. I needed to paint the cover to my new sketchbook and with these ideas of alternate dimensions swirling in my head I took a micro dose and an edible and set out to paint the 4th dimension.